To get the motivation going.. i joined the build for the upcoming Land & Air Transport Group Build (from FB) coming up in March 2015.
I'm not too sure if i can physically joined the event but the spirit of the build have to continue.. so i join in with a Chinook helicopter..
this is a fairly small kit.. but i believe the mold is a shrink down version of the big sister from Trumpeter
review can be viewed@ & @Hyperscale
first of all.. this is going to be OOB build my plan is to have it in Rotor-fold config... since the span of the rotor blade needs a hefty estate to display.. but we'll see..
anyway this is the scheme that i intend to do.. a abit more colorful choices of the provided decal other than the boring olive drab
i start with the IP.. added some wire behind it since this will be visible through the glass cockpit... and i use a creative license to put the wire in..
the cockpit is completed.. and the innard of the fuselage also done with the seatbelt although i didnt mate the fuselage just yet...
most of the thing will not be properly visible when its done...
anyway the photo follows
the "office" area
The instrument panel.. nothing fancy.. just drybrush with grey only
The windows with a "so-called" seatbelt visible from outside... maybe i need to use a thinner tape to replicate the seatbelts...
until later/... :D