Its time to learn some new skill...
armed with a Digital Camera magazine issue January 2009, i load up the Photoshop Elements 7 and try to "cook-up" some image based on the tutorial they have in there... even though some of the tutorials would require the adjustment of the color contrast etc, i end up leaving all the color as it is just used the PS Elements to add the frame to the shots only.
All the shots below i captured using my 1 year old Panasonic Lumix TZ15 and using the preset setting for scenery. The location of these shot is just around my house during either sunset or at dawn.
enjoy my learning experience and hopefully these would inspire other people to take up photography and use PS Elemets as one of the tools for the post-production of your photos. Although i know there are a few more tools out there that can do it faster like the all in one Google's Picasa 3 and those from ACDSee.

