11 days to go...
Merkava 2 Build LOG..
After a few days leaving the cast to dry in a room temperature (not able to put it outside due to the gloomy weather)
its done and i'm glad that the WD-40 that i used as the release agent works wonderfully
below are some shots of the completed jersey barrier..
noted that i still need to fill some of the holes there.. and leave some as a "decoration" for the barrier.
Side B
Side A
I primed the barrier with industrial Surfacer to cover the polyfilla.. its not as hard as resin but i guess it will be ok..
I somehow think that this is better than the plastic barrier i created earlier...
sure looks better that this
My 2nd Barrier in the works
The 2nd barrier i added a small amount of diluted PVA glue to the mix in my attempt to make the polyfilla less "brittle"... hope that the WD-40 release agent works wonder this time around
after a dry-run.. i noticed that i might not have enough space on my base for my jersey barrier
as for the tank itself... almost done with the weathering (i rarely weather my tanks, so this is another attempt of mine for weathering)
will post more photo later
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