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Friday, February 06, 2009

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Supplimentary diet

again .. its been awhile...

i just took my Health screening result last week.

it seems that my bad cholestrol level is still at the same level as the last time....

this is not good.... so the doctor suggested me to take this supplementary Omega-3 pills.

So i went on and bought myself a bottle of 60-capsules Omega-3 pills under the brand Seven-Sea (IIRC).. and i have to take 2 pills once a day...

also i have to double my exercise "dosage" in order to control this bad cholesterol thing... hmmm

and also i thik i need to try this Quaker Oat thing that they claimed can reduce this bad cholesterol also.... i really hoping they are right.. :D

did some "Googling" on the subject.. some say this Bad Cholesterol is a myth... let me read through all the article and then i''ll make my stand... but again this is about my health so there's nothing wrong in trying to improve (decrease) the

ok moving on...

2 Comments this post:

Anonymous said...

my doctor prescribed me with this drug named Zocor a few years back...due to my skyrocket cholestrol works quite well and i managed to lose a lot of weight as well...but it was danggg was like RM150 for 1mth's suppply....i've stopped taking it for a few years already now and yes, cholestrol level is kinda at the pt where it's higher than it should be,plus i gained some weight as well...a lot of weight i guess haha...i think oat is a good's cheaper and it works ;)

Unknown said...

aha... i heard of this drug before.. but for a skinny gy like.. ths could spell disasterous... since if taking that med. would cause me to lose weight.. then by the end of the month i'll be like a matchstick already... lidi ajer...
now back to Oats.. :D

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