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Thursday, September 02, 2010

Home » » The Expendables : short review!!

The Expendables : short review!!

A Noon At the Movie: THE EXPENDABLES!!

Back dated posted..
i watched the movie last 2-weeks with my younger-brothers.

Since i've been looking forward to this movie ever since i know about it back in last july (this entry)

The seat of choice will always be D10-D12, that is about the best seat location in a cinema, and i'll always choose these seat every time i went to the movie.

Its an AWESOME movie in term of action and the stars in it, but i somehow think that the plot is a bit loose.... but again i went to the show with an open mind to really enjoy the action sequences.

And the movie is LOUD!!! with a capital "L" ahhaha.. i mean all the explosion and stuff is really being enhanced in the movie (maybe its just my pair of ears), not that its bad... but maybe a lil tad bit uncomfortable to bear for a full 100 minutes of it.. :D

This something that an action movie junkie would love and to see some of the cameo appearance like the Arnold Schwarzenegger in the church and a one liner jokes by Stallone referring to Arnie as he leave the church cracks me up (".. he's too busy running for president..") something like that.. :D

From what i heard/read that Stallone is planning a sequel for the movie and will feature more of the world favorite action hero such as Van Damme, The Rock and a few others.

oh... there's a twist at the end of the movie.. very nice... go watch it i wont spoil it for ya.. :D

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