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Saturday, October 16, 2010

Home » , , » Medal of Honor (game baru yang aku MESTI main)

Medal of Honor (game baru yang aku MESTI main)

Aku sekarang memang dah jarang main game, tapi bila ada game yang memang genre aku, aku tetap akan main tak kira la apa orang kata.

Nak buat mcm mana kan dah hobby main game so bila ada game baru keluar kena la main.

Dulu aku nih suka main strategy game, tapi sejak kerja nih malas nka pikir banyak bila main game so now aku switch ke FPS (First Person Shooter) game pulak.

Game Medal Of Honor nih baru jer release 2-3 hari lepas (Oktober 12, 2010) so nanti sampai la kat sini.
Nanti bila sampai bleh la aku main, tangan aku pun dah gian lama tak tekan button A,S,W,D and click Left Mouse dah nih... last game best aku main ni game Bad Company 2.

So lepas main nanti aku akan buat short review tengok mcmana aku rate game tu pulak.

Dan for sure aku menunggu kedatangan game Call OF Duty: Black Ops bulan November nanti. 
(Trailer & Entry kat sini)

Developer: EA Los Angeles
Platform: PC
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Genre:Modern First-Person Shooter
Release Date: 12-Oct-2010

Medal of Honor, an all-new first-person shooter game, 
will introduce the Tier 1 Operator: a relatively unknown entity directly under the National Command Authority who takes on missions no one else can handle.
The development team has been working closely with 
Tier 1 Operators from the US Special Operations
Community since the earliest stages of development to create the most 
authentic modern war experience.

Set against the backdrop of a rugged and brutal landscape, 
Medal of Honor depicts modern military
operations through the lens of a small band of fictional characters. 
Inspired by real events,
Medal of Honor reveals the mission of today’s most elite soldier – his will, his mindset and
his uncompromising professionalism.

Harap-harap PC aku kat rumah bleh la support lagi game nih :o)

2 Comments this post:

grOundnUt said...

aku pon dulu minat main game macam ni...dulu masa zaman DOS...aku suke main Wolfentein-3D(konon zaman tu baru nak naik 3D)
Memula suka la...tpi bila umur dah meningkat aku cepat terkejut plak..sampai aku bertuko arah meminati game Command and COnquer...DUNE2000K adalah game yang aku suke main...
Now on aku tak sentuh PC game lagi....sbb PC aku slow..dok sibOk PSP aje ler...^^'

Zona Indonesia said...

Dahulu ketika di Play Station ..aku sering main Medal of Honnor.. pastinya ini akan lebih bagus.. :) Peace and trims.

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