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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Home » , , , , , , » Windows Live Writer Review (Part 1)

Windows Live Writer Review (Part 1)

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(This review is a follow up on my earlier entry Blog Update Guna Windows Live Writer)

I think i’m not the only one who wish for a better offline editor. After i read an entry in a fellow blogger blog (Dahlia Journal (www.cikgudahliacom)) regarding Windows Live Writer (WLW).
I know i need to test it out and make a short review of it.

If you look at the WLW site, you immediately notice that by default the version shown is for Vista/Windows 7.
After a bit of searching i found the Windows XP version since i exclusively use Windows XP.
You ca`n download the Windows XP version  (HERE for Windows XP Version)

This review is based on what i see from WLW and by no means that this is a complete review. Just my personal opinion on what i can see also note that this ENTRY is written solely using the Windows Live Writer (WLW). How else to really experience the editor other than to use it… right?

First we look at the interface, of course if you already used MS Office in some degree in your life you should be familiar with the interface in an instant.

So i’ll only highlight what is unique to Windows Live Writer (WLW) in relation to the normal Blogger interface (as what we’re used to).

Please refer to the photo when you’re reading this.


1. Save Draft – you can save the draft locally (in you PC) or save it directly to your blog and it will appear in you Post list with draft tag (as you would normally see).
I prefer to save directly to the blog so later on you can modify it whenever you want.
Convenience.. yes?

2. Open Draft – if you save it locally it will show here, but since you save it online, it will appear under “Recently Posted”, so just click the appropriate draft option.

3. Preview & Source – as the word indicated, to Preview & view the Source of your entry.
If you want to add some fancy html coding to the entry, this is where you should do it. The same as in Blogspot editor.

In next entry:
  • Labels
  • Scheduled
  • Insert
  • The difference
I’ll stop here for now: next i’ll show a few more features of WLW

Part 2 of the review will follow in a bit..
Stay tune.

4 Comments this post:

CPFZ said...

den dah try guna bnda alah ni (WLW),
overall,oke laa..
cuma ade tu kena adjust cket bila post kat blog,sbb ada yg jd tak chumey..

AngahSayang2314 said...

ok ke???angah takut lain jadinyer jer nanti

wan syamilah said...

bagus tutorial ni...yg plg bagusnya blh add tehnorati tag...

byk lagi plug in yg best2...

nk update blog dh senang skrg ni kan...he3...

Unknown said...

kakyong pun baru mencuba..
cuma bila nak post ke blog memang kena edit la apa2 yg patut.. tp sgt membantu la bila tak online. boleh draft siap2 & upload foto2..

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